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第一条 全省党政群机关和全民所有制事业单位的正式工作人员,列入这次工资制度改革的范围。这些单位必须同时符合以下条件,即:省委、省人民政府或省编制委员会认定属于国家机关、党派、人民团体和县及其以上党委、政府或编制委员会确定属于全民所有制事业单位性质的;
第二条 公路养护、园林绿化、市政建设、房地产管理等单位,属于事业性质的,可以列入工资制度改革的范围。
第三条 既挂国家机关或事业单位牌子,又挂企业牌子的单位,应由各主管部门按照本补充规定第一条的条件,先明确单位的性质。凡明确为国家机关或事业单位的、省、地(市)属单位报省工资制度改革办公室批准;县(市)属单位,报地(市)工资制度改革办公室批准后,可以列
第四条 已经实行企业化管理,经济能够自立,国家不再拨给各项经费的事业单位,改革工资制度所需经费自行解决,改革后即按企业对待,与国家机关、事业单位的调整工资脱钩。个别目前尚不具备脱钩条件的,应执行国家机关、事业单位的工资、奖金和福利制度,今年一月份以来
第五条 机构改革时,由省属厅(局)改为专业总公司的单位,属企业性质。其中,已形成独立核算、自负盈亏经济实体的,按企业工资制度改革的政策规定进行工资制度改革;不能形成经济实体的,经省人民政府批准,可以参照国家机关、事业单位工资制度改革的政策规定进行工资
第六条 经各级编委批准成立的事业性公司,可以列入国家机关、事业单位工资制度改革范围,但其下属的企业单位(含公司、经理部、门市部、展销部等)不属于国家机关、事业单位工资制度改革的范围。
第七条 经省编制委员会批准成立的省属企业性的处级公司,原则上应按国家关于企业工资制度改革的政策规定进行工资制度改革。其中,少数确实只行使行政管理职能、没有经营性收入、经费来源靠财政退库或收取管理费的单位,如要求参照国家机关、事业单位工资制度改革的政策
第八条 筹建、在建的事业单位可以列入国家机关、事业单位工资制度改革的范围;筹建、在建的企业单位不属于国家机关、事业单位工资制度改革的范围。
第九条 既挂中等专业学校(不含办中专班的其他各类学校),又挂高等学校或干部学校牌子的单位,应先将中等专业学校与高等学校或干部学校的人员区分开来,然后分别按有关规定进行工资制度改革。
第十条 国家机关、事业单位工资制度改革的对象,除这些单位的正式工作人员外,还包括:尚未转正定级的大、中专毕业生;试用期未满的省计划内招收录用的干部;未转正定级的学徒工、熟练工;经劳动部门批准招收的合同制工人。但不包括:计划外用工;临时工;“停薪留职”
第十一条 根据中央关于党政机关干部不兼任经济实体职务的规定,凡是工资关系在国家机关、事业单位,实际在企业工作的人员,不能参加国家机关、事业单位的工资制度改革。
第十二条 国家机关、事业单位中,根据省人事局闽人调〔1984〕62号文件规定招收的选聘合同制干部,可按《改革方案》的规定,参加工资制度改革,所需经费按现在的开支渠道解决。
第十三条 国家机关、事业单位中照发工资出国(出境)进修、援外的人员,可参加工资制度改革。

第十四条 省级党政机关、人大常委会机关、顾问委员会机关、政协机关、群众团体和民主党派机关以及省属事业单位的行政人员按《改革方案》附表一同级人员的工资标准执行。
第十五条 地(市)党政机关、人大常委会机关、政协机关、群众团体和民主党派机关以及地(市)属事业单位的行政人员按《改革方案》附表八同级人员的工资标准执行。
第十六条 县(市)党政机关、人大常委会机关、政协机关、群众团体和民主党派机关以及乡(区)党政机关、县(市)、乡(区)属事业单位的行政人员按《改革方案》附表九同级人员的工资标准执行。
第十七条 各级国家机关和事业单位的专业技术人员按劳人薪〔1985〕25号文件附发的《国家机关、事业单位专业技术人员套改工资标准表》执行。
第十八条 中学教师和小学、幼儿园教师分别按《改革方案》附表六和附表七执行。
第十九条 国家机关、事业单位的工人(包括保育员、护理员),原则上按《改革方案》附表三执行。如确因行业工作特殊,需要执行其他工资形式的,可由省主管部门在不超过实行结构工资标准总水平的原则下制定工资改革方案,报省工资制度改革办公室批准后实行。
第二十条 厦门经济特区的党政群机关、事业单位工作人员的工资标准,按《改革方案》的规定执行,另加发特区补贴。补贴的办法和标准由省财政厅会同有关部门提出意见,经省人民政府批准下达执行。
第二十一条 民办教师的工资标准,由省教育厅在不超过国家机关、事业单位工作人员工资改革增资水平的原则下拟定,经省工资制度改革办公室会同有关部门研究,报省人民政府批准,并从一九八五年一月一日起实行。
第二十二条 机构规格或工作人员职务一时难以明确的,均暂按《福建省行政人员套改工资标准表》(见附表一)就近套级。

第二十三条 党政群机关和事业单位的工作人员,均按本人现行工资额和担任的实际职务确定职务工资。各级行政人员和专业技术人员的职务名称系列、职务层次、职责规范、人员结构比例和人数限额,一律按国务院下达的规定执行,各地不得自行变动。
第二十四条 省、地(市)事业单位的机构规格由省主管部门和各地(市)按机构设置的主管部门原批准的级别,研究提出意见,报省编制委员会审批;县及县以下事业单位由各县提出意见,报地(市)编制委员会审批。
第二十五条 党的系统干部的职务工资标准,与政府部门相同,即:省、地(市)、县(市)各级党委下设的部、委、办的领导干部,分别按省的厅(局)、专署(市)的局、县(市)的局(科)领导干部的职务工资执行。
第二十六条 一九八二年以来,由于年龄、文化、健康状况以及职务限数的限制改任巡视员、调研员或调任较低职务的,仍按原任职务确定职务工资。
第二十七条 省级党政群机关已经正式任命,并担任实际职务的副处长及其以上的领导干部,按规定第二条的办法套改职务工资;副处长以下干部(不含副处长),在国务院关于行政人员职务系列下达前,均先按现行工资额就近套入《福建省行政人员套改工资标准表》。待职务系列下
第二十八条 国家机关、事业单位工资制度改革范围内的工作人员,现任两种或两种以上职务的,按干部管理权限由任命机关认定其主要职务,而后按认定的主要职务确定职务工资。
第二十九条 军队转业干部,原则上按现在担任的实际职务确定职务工资。对于一九八二年以来转业,原在部队担任实职的团职干部,安排职务过低的可给予适当照顾,即:正团职转业后,安排正科长及其以下职务的,可按副县(处)长确定职务工资;副团职转业后,安排副科长及其
第三十条 工资改革后,国家机关、事业单位的工作人员,改任较高或较低职务的,从第二个月起按改任的职务确定工资。
第三十一条 工作人员现有附加工资,保留工资的,在这次工资制度改革时,应从套改(含高套)或进入本职务最低等级增加的工资(指基础工资、职务工资、地区工资补贴三项之和与现行工资之差)中予以抵销。先抵销附加工资、再抵销保留工资。抵销不完的部分,可以继续保留,

第三十二条 工资改革范围内的工作人员,均由现在所在单位按现任的实际职务确定职务工资。
第三十三条 在这次工资制度改革中,暂按《改革方案》附表六、附表七的工资标准、劳人薪〔1985〕25号文件附发的工资标准和《福建省行政人员套改工资标准表》就近套级的人员,一九八六年七月一日以前明确职务的,工资从一九八五年七月一日(中小学、幼儿园一九八五
第三十四条 按照规定实行学徒期制度的工人和原执行《国家机关工作人员工资标准表》(六)工种的工人为技术工人;勤杂人员,如公务员、通信员、清洁人员和传达员为普通工人。
第三十五条 在干部岗位上的工人,不得用干部工资标准套改工资。原是技术工人的,按技术工人岗位工资标准套改工资,其他的按普通工人岗位工资标准套改工资。

第三十六条 根据国务院国发〔1983〕68号、74号和国务院、中央军委国发〔1984〕77号文件以及省有关规定,实行浮动工资的人员,应按浮动工资前的现行工资额套改职务工资,原来浮动的部分待中央和省作出规定后另行处理。
第三十七条 按省人民政府闽政〔1982〕149号文件规定,保留了高类区工资标准的引进人员,按现所在地区的工资类区同级别人员的工资额套改职务工资,原高出现所在类区的工资额,工资改革后继续保留;凡不符合闽政〔1982〕149号文件规定而享受了引进待遇的人
第三十八条 凡由已实行工资制度改革的企业单位调到国家机关、事业单位工作的人员,应先取消其工资制度改革的增资部分,再按改革前的工资额套改职务工资。
第三十九条 凡执行新民警、运动员、教练员工资标准和井下、船上、野外、邮电、铁路等岗位工资标准的人员,调离上述岗位后,没有按规定改行调入单位(岗位)工资标准的,应先改行现岗位工资标准,再套改职务工资。
第四十条 国家机关、事业单位工作人员,原在企业职工百分之三的名额内给予固定奖励升级的工资,暂不计入现行工资。
第四十一条 按照国务院办公厅国办发〔1983〕13号文件规定执行新民警工资标准的工作人员,如何套改职务工资,待中央作出统一规定后执行。
第四十二条 现行工资额不在原规定的国家机关、事业单位工资标准上的人员,原则上按照现行工资额就近套级。套级中的个别突出问题,由省工资制度改革办公室本着有利理顺工资关系、减少矛盾的原则,结合各种工资等级的对应关系作适当调整。
第四十三条 凡同时符合以下条件的人员,按现行工资(现行工资的解释见《规定》第二条,下同)就近套级或进入本职务最低等级工资后,可以高套一级(不受本职务最高等级的限制)。
第四十四条 下列人员按现行工资就近套级或进入本职务最低等级工资后,不能高套一级。
第四十五条 虽符合第四十三条规定的条件,但正在受立案审查的人员,暂缓高套,缓高套期一年(一九八五年七月一日至一九八六年六月三十日)。审查定案后,属没有问题的,可以高套,工资按规定的时间补发;受党内警告、行政记过及其以下轻处分的,可以高套,工资从结论之
第四十六条 《规定》第二条(一)款中规定的“新级差”,按以下办法确定。

第四十七条 执行非十一类工资区的八(七)级工资制的工人,其现行工资高于《国家机关工作人员现行工资标准表(六)》(简称《表六》,下同)六类工资区相应等级标准工资的,按本人的现行工资额就近套改岗位工资;低于《表六》六类工资区标准的,可按《表六》六类工资区
第四十八条 各类专业技术人员和普通中、小学教师一九八五年的增资限额,按以下规定划分:基础工资、职务工资之和,五类工资区165.5元及其以上的,六类及六类以上工资区170元及其以上的人员,每月增资不超过30元;其他人员每月增资不超过20元。从一九八六年
第四十九条 省直部、委、办、厅、局和省厅一级人民团体的正副处长(正副部长、正副主任)、各地(市)的部、委、办、局以及相当地(市)局一级的群众团体的正副部长(正副局长、正副主任、正副书记、正副主席)、各县(市)委正副书记、正副县(市)长、人大正副主任、

第五十条 计发工龄津贴的工作年限或连续工龄,均按现行的有关规定执行。工作人员工作年限或连续工龄原已明确的,原则上不重新审定。个别尚不明确的,应由所在单位查核后报有关部门批准确认。批准前少发的工龄津贴不补。
第五十一条 一九六六、六七、六八高等学校、中等专业学校以及技工学校的统招统配毕业生,计发工龄津贴的工作年限分别从他们毕业之日算起。其中,不服从统一分配的毕业生,只能从参加工作之日算起。
第五十二条 享受教龄津贴、护士工龄津贴的范围、对象以及计算教(护)龄津贴的办法,均按中央的统一规定执行。
第五十三条 工龄津贴、教龄津贴和护士工龄津贴均按年度计算,从每年一月一日起增发。工作人员无论哪个月参加工作,都从参加工作第二年的一月一日起,按一年计发。从第二年开始,一年内实际工作不足半年的不计发当年的工龄津贴,也不能作为累计计发教龄津贴和护士工龄津

第五十四条 新参加工作人员的临时工资和定级工资,按附表二、三执行。
第五十五条 见习期、熟练期、学徒期未满的工作人员,从一九八五年七月一日(中小学、幼儿园一九八五年一月一日)起改按新的临时工资标准执行。见习期、熟练期、学徒期满后,按新的定级工资标准定级。
第五十六条 一九八五年毕业的研究生、大中专毕业生(含带薪上学的毕业生)中按规定不实行见习期工资的,均按新的定级工资标准定级。其中,定级工资低于按原工资套改的基础工资、职务工资、地区工资补贴之和的,可按原工资套改。

第五十七条 我省国家机关、事业单位工作人员工资制度改革,在省委、省人民政府直接领导下,由省工资制度改革领导小组及其下设的办公室负责组织实施。各地区、各部门应严格执行中央和本省的各项政策规定,切实做到令行禁止;工作中遇到的问题,应及时请示汇报,不得自行
第五十八条 为了保证国家机关、事业单位工作人员工资制度改革的顺利进行,在工资改革方案实施以前,各地区、各部门、各单位一律不得擅自对国家机关、事业单位工作人员的工资进行调整。
第五十九条 各地、市、省直部、委、办、厅、局,高等院校,中央各部门在闽单位的工资改革方案报省工资制度改革办公室审批。县和县以下单位工资改革方案由各地(市)工资制度改革办公室审批。工资改革方案的内容、要求和审批程序,由省工资制度改革办公室另行通知。
第六十条 各地、市委副书记,行政公署副专员,市人民政府副市长,人大副主任,政协副主席;省直部、委、办、厅、局副部长、副主任、副厅长、副局长,高等院校党委副书记、副校长以上干部及各县(市)委书记、县(市)长的工资报省审批。其他县(处)级干部(含中央各部
第六十一条 各单位工资基金和工资制度改革所增加的工资总额,由各级银行负责监督执行,凡违反工资制度改革有关政策规定所增加的工资,开户银行有权拒付。

八、其 他
第六十二条 农业中学、职业中学、民政部门所属聋哑学校、儿童福利院以及工读学校,与普通中小学、幼儿园一样,从一九八五年一月一日起实行新的工资制度。
第六十三条 普通中小学、幼儿园工作人员在一九八五年一月一日以后,国家机关和其他事业单位工作人员在一九八五年七月一日以后至工资制度改革期间病故、辞职、退职的,其工资制度改革增加的工资发至病故、辞职、退职之月。
第六十四条 国家机关和其他事业单位一九八五年七月一日(中小学、幼儿园一九八五年一月一日)以后办理离休、退休的人员,原则上可以参加工资制度改革,但不享受国发〔1985〕6号文件规定的生活补贴费,已经领取的生活补贴费应按规定退还。
第六十五条 集体所有制事业单位工资制度改革,在不超过全民所有制事业单位结构工资制总水平和工资改革的增资水平的原则下,根据各自的具体情况,由省主管部门以及各地区行政公署、市人民政府制定改革方案,报省工资制度改革办公室备案。
第六十六条 本补充规定由省工资制度改革办公室负责解释。



The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


(Adopted at the Second Meeting of the Standing Committee of the
Sixth National People's Congress, promulgated by Order No. 7 of the
President of the People's Republic of China on September 2, 1983, and
effective as of January, 1, 1984)

Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Inspection and Registration of Vessels
Chapter III Personnel on Vessels and Installations
Chapter IV Navigation, Berthing and Operations
Chapter V Safety Protection
Chapter VI Transport of Dangerous Goods
Chapter VII Rescue from Disasters at Sea
Chapter VIII Salvage and Removal of Sunken and Drifting Objects
Chapter IX Investigation and Handling of Traffic Accidents
Chapter X Legal Liability
Chapter XI Special Provisions
Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
This law is formulated in order to strengthen the control of maritime
traffic; ensure the safety of vessels, installations, human life and
property; and safeguard the rights and interests of the state.
Article 2
This Law shall apply to all vessels, installations and personnel and to
the owners and managers of such vessels and installations that navigate,
berth or operate in the coastal waters of the People's Republic of China.
Article 3
The harbour superintendence agencies of the People's Republic of China
shall be the competent authorities responsible for the unified supervision
and administration of traffic safety in the coastal waters.

Chapter II Inspection and Registration of Vessels
Article 4
Vessels and their major equipment relating to navigation safety must have
valid technical certificates issued by vessel inspection departments.
Article 5
A vessel must have a certificates showing its nationality, a vessel
registry certificate or a vessel licence.

Chapter III Personnel on Vessels and Installations
Article 6
Vessels shall be manned with qualified crew members according to a
standard quota to ensure the vessels' safety.
Article 7
The captain, chief engineer, pilot, engineers, radio and telephone
operators and similar personnel on board seaplanes or submersibles must
hold valid job certificates. All other crew members must undergo
specialized technical training required for their work.
Article 8
In accordance with state provisions, all installations shall be provided
with personnel who have mastered the techniques of collision avoidance,
signalling, communications, fire control, life-saving and other
Article 9
All personnel on vessels and installations must observe relevant rules and
regulations concerning maritime traffic safety, follow the operating rules
and ensure the safety of the vessels and installations in navigation,
berthing and operations.

Chapter IV Navigation, Berthing and Operations
Article 10
While navigating, berthing or carrying out operations, vessels and
installations must abide by the relevant laws, administrative statutes and
rules and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
Article 11
Non-military vessels of foreign nationality may not enter the internal
waters and harbours of the People's Republic of China without the approval
of its competent authorities. However, under unexpected circumstances such
as critical illness of personnel, engine breakdown or the vessels being in
distress or seeking shelter from weather when they do not have the time to
obtain approval, they may, while entering China's internal waters of
harbour, make an emergency report to the competent authorities and shall
obey its directions.
Military vessels of foreign nationality may not enter the territorial
waters of the People's Republic of China without the approval of the
Government of the People's Republic of China.
Article 12
Vessels sailing on international routes that enter and leave the harbours
of the People's Republic of China must accept inspection by the competent
authorities. Vessels of Chinese nationality sailing on domestic routes
that enter and leave such harbours must obtain port entry and departure
Article 13
Vessels of foreign nationality entering and leaving a harbour of the
People's Republic of China, navigating or shifting berths in the harbour
area, or approaching or leaving mooring points or loading spots outside
the harbour must be navigated by a pilot designated by the competent
Article 14
When entering or leaving harbours or passing through controlled traffic
areas, crowded navigable areas or areas where navigational conditions are
restricted, vessels must observe the special regulations promulgated by
the Government of the People's Republic of China or by the competent
Article 15
Vessels shall be prohibited from entering or passing through restricted
navigation zones unless specially permitted by the competent authorities.
Article 16
Towing operations on the open sea involving large-sized installations and
mobile platforms must undergo towing inspection conducted by vessel
inspection departments and be reported to the competent authorities for
examination and approval.
Article 17
If the competent authorities finds the actual condition of a vessel to be
not in conformity with what is stated in the vessel's certificates, it
shall have the right to require the vessel to apply for a new inspection
or notify its owner or manager to adopt effective safety measures.
Article 18
If the competent authorities believes that a vessel presents a menace to
the safety of a harbour, it shall have the right to forbid the vessel from
entering the harbour or to order it to leave the harbour.
Article 19
The competent authorities shall have the right to forbid a vessel or an
installation from leaving the harbour or order it to suspend its voyage,
change its route or cease its operations under any one of the following
(1) if it violates any law, administrative statute or other rule or
regulation of the People's Republic of China;
(2) if it is in a condition unsuitable for navigation or towing;
(3) if it was involved in a traffic accident and has not completed the
necessary formalities;
(4) if it has not paid the fees that are due or furnished appropriate
security to the competent authorities or the department concerned: or
(5) if the competent authorities considers that there are other
circumstances that will jeopardize or might jeopardize maritime traffic

Chapter V Safety Protection
Article 20
Construction operations to be carried out on the surface or underwater in
coastal waters and the demarcation of corresponding safe operation zones
must be reported to the competent authorities for examination and approval
and must be publicly announced. Vessels not involved in the construction
project may not enter the safe operation zones. The construction unit may
not enlarge such zones without authorization. When shore lines are to be
used in harbour areas or when construction work, including overhead
operations, is to be carried out on the sea surface or underwater in such
areas, the plan and a drawing thereof must be submitted to the competent
authorities for examination and approval.
Article 21
The designation of restricted navigation zones in coastal waters must be
approved by the State Council or the competent authorities. However, the
designation of restricted navigation zones for military purposes shall be
approved by the competent department of the state in charge of military
The restricted navigation zones shall be announced by the competent
Article 22
Without the approval of the competent authorities, no installations may be
established or constructed, nor may any activities that hinder
navigational safety be carried out in harbour areas, anchorages,
navigation lanes, or crowded navigable areas, as well as in navigation
routes announced by the competent authorities.
With respect to any installations which have been established or
constructed in the above-mentioned areas without authorization, the
competent authorities shall have the right to order their owners to remove
or dismantle the installations within a given period of time.
Article 23
It shall be forbidden to damage navigation aids or navigational
facilities. Whoever has damaged navigation aids or navigational facilities
shall immediately report the damage to the competent authorities and be
liable for compensation.
Article 24
Vessels and installations shall promptly make a report to the competent
authorities if they discover any of the following situations:
(1) If navigation aids or navigational facilities malfunction or become
(2) if an obstacle or drifting object jeopardizing the safety of
navigation is discovered; or
(3) if there are other abnormal situations jeopardizing the safety of
Article 25
No obstacle affecting the efficacy of navigation aids may be erected or
installed in areas surrounding the aids. Any lights in the vicinity of the
navigation aids or navigational lanes that jeopardize navigation safety
shall be properly screened.
Article 26
When removing or dismantling installations, salvaging or removing sunken
ships or objects, and handling the finishing operations of underwater
projects, no hidden dangers shall be left to menace navigational or
operational safety. Before the aforesaid operations have been properly
completed, their owners or managers must be responsible for erecting
markers as required and making an accurate report to the competent
authority on the type, shape, size and location of the obstacle and the
depth of water over it.
Article 27
Safety administration must be strengthened with respect to harbour
wharves, mooring points and loading spots outside of harbour areas as well
as ship locks, so that they are always kept in good condition.
Article 28
To meet the requirements of maritime traffic safety, the competent
authority shall fix and adjust traffic control areas and harbour
anchorages. The designation of anchorages outside of harbour areas shall
be announced by the competent authority after the report relative thereto
has been submitted to and approved by higher authorities.
Article 29
The competent authorities shall, in accordance with relevant provisions of
the state, be responsible for issuing navigational warnings and
navigational notices.
Article 30
In order to ensure the safety of navigation, berthing and operations, the
departments concerned shall maintain unimpeded communications facilities,
ensure distinct and effective navigation aids and navigational facilities
and, in a timely manner, provide offshore meteorological forecasts and
necessary books and reference materials concerning maritime navigation.
Article 31
When vessels and installations are involved in accidents that jeopardize
or may jeopardize traffic safety, the competent authorities shall have the
right to take necessary, compulsory measures to deal with the matter.

Chapter VI Transport of Dangerous Goods
Article 32
When vessels or installations store, load, unload or transport dangerous
goods, they must maintain safe and reliable equipment and conditions and
observe the state provisions governing the control and transport of
dangerous goods.
Article 33
When vessels load and transport dangerous goods, they must go through the
procedures for declaration to the competent authorities and they may not
enter or leave the harbour or load or unload until approval has been

Chapter VII Rescue from Disasters at Sea
Article 34
When vessels, installations or aircraft are in distress, they shall, in
addition to issuing distress signals calling for help, use the quickest
method possible to report to the competent authorities the time and place
of the accident, the extent of damage, the assistance required and the
cause of the accident.
Article 35
Vessels, installations or aircraft in distress and their owners or mangers
shall take all effective measures to organize their own rescue efforts.
Article 36
When vessels or installations in the vicinity of the scene of an accident
receive a distress signal or discover that people's lives are endangered,
they shall do their best to rescue the people in distress insofar as their
own safety is not seriously endangered, and promptly report to the
competent authorities the situation at the scene, their own names, call
numbers and positions.
Article 37
Vessels or installations involved in a collision shall exchange their
names, nationalities and ports of registry and do their best to rescue
personnel in distress. The vessels involved may not leave the scene of
the accident without authorization, insofar as their own safety is not
seriously endangered.
Article 38
Upon receiving a request for rescue, the competent authorities shall
immediately organize a rescue operation. All units concerned and vessels
or installations in the vicinity of the scene must act under the orders of
the competent authorities.
Article 39
When a foreign country intends to dispatch vessels or aircraft into the
territorial waters or the airspace over the territorial waters of the
People's Republic of China to search for and rescue vessels or people in
distress, it must obtain the approval of the competent [Chinese]

Chapter VIII Salvage and Removal of Sunken and Drifting Objects
Article 40
With respect to sunken or drifting objects that may affect the safety of
navigation and the management of navigation lanes, as well as those
constituting a threat of explosion, the owners or managers thereof shall
salvage and remove such objects within a deadline set by the competent
authorities. Otherwise, the competent authorities shall have the right to
take measures to compel the salvage and removal of the objects, and their
owners or managers shall bear all the expenses incurred thereby.
The provisions of this Article shall not prejudice the rights of the
owners or managers of the sunken or drifting objects to demand
compensation from third parties.
Article 41
No sunken vessels or sunken objects in the coastal waters may be salvaged
or dismantled without the approval of the competent authorities.

Chapter IX Investigation and Handling of Traffic Accidents
Article 42
Any vessel or installation involved in a traffic accident shall submit a
written accident report and relative materials to the competent
authorities and accept its investigation and handling of the accident.
While being investigated by the competent authorities the parties involved
in the accident and relevant personnel must give a truthful account of
circumstances at the scene of the accident and other relevant information.
Article 43
In the event of a traffic accident that involves a vessel or installation,
the competent authorities shall ascertain the cause of the accident and
fix the responsibility for it.

Chapter X Legal Liability
Article 44
The competent authorities shall, in the light of the circumstances, impose
one or more of the following penalties on anyone who violates this Law:
(1) warnings;
(2) withholding or revoking work certificates; or
(3) fines.
Article 45
If a party does not accept the penalty of a fine or revocation of his work
certificate imposed by the competent authorities, he may bring suit in a
people's court within 15 days after receiving notification of the penalty.
If he neither brings suit nor complies with the penalty upon the
expiration of that period, the competent authorities shall request
compulsory enforcement from the people's court.
Article 46
A civil dispute arising from a maritime traffic accident may be settled
through mediation by the competent authorities. If the parties are
unwilling to have the case mediated or if the mediation is unsuccessful,
the parties may bring suit in the people's court. Parties to a case
involving foreign interests may also submit the case to an arbitration
agency for mediation, in accordance with the written agreement concluded
between them.
Article 47
Those whose violation of this Law constitutes a crime shall be
investigated for their criminal responsibility by judicial organs in
accordance with the Law.

Chapter XI Special Provisions
Article 48
Within the waters of fishing harbours, the state fisheries administration
and fishing harbour superintendence agencies shall exercise the functions
and powers of the competent authorities as provided in this Law, being
responsible for the supervision and administration of traffic safety and
for the investigation and handling of traffic accidents between fishing
vessels in coastal waters. Concrete measures for implementation shall be
separately prescribed by the State Council.
Article 49
The internal administration of offshore military jurisdictional areas and
military vessels and installations, the administration of surface and
underwater operations carried out for military purposes, and the
inspection and registration of public security vessels, the provision of
their personnel and the issuing of their port entry and departure visas
shall be separately prescribed by the relevant competent departments of
the state in accordance with this Law.

Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions
Article 50
For the purpose of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:
"Coastal waters" means the harbours, inland waters, territorial waters and
all other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the state along the seacoast
of the People's Republic of China.
"Vessels" means all types of displacement or non-displacement ships,
rafts, seaplanes, submersibles and mobile platforms.
"Installations" means all types of surface and underwater structures or
installations, whether fixed or floating, and fixed platforms.
"Operations" means investigations, exploration, exploitation, survey
construction, dredging, demolition, rescue, salvage, towing, fishing,
aquatic breeding, loading and unloading, scientific experimentation and
other surface and underwater operations.
Article 51
The competent department of the State Council shall, on the basis of this
Law, formulate rules for its implementation, which shall go into effect
after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
Article 52
In cases of conflict between laws and regulations pertaining to maritime
traffic safety hitherto promulgated and this Law, this Law shall prevail.
Article 53
This Law shall go into effect on January 1, 1984.

Important Notice:
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
